Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Waiting on Wensday: WolfsBane

WolfsBane (NightShade series #2)
Andrea Cremer
Young Adult
July 26, 2011

NightShade was a amazing book about freedom and true love. The idea and history of werewolves in the story is both interesting and frightening, which made me want to sink my teeth into NightShade even more. Hopefully I will think the same (or better) about the second book.

From Barnes&Noble:
This thrilling sequel to the much-talked-about Nightshade begins just where it ended–Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, her sworn enemy, and she's certain her days are numbered. But then the Searchers make her an offer–one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the pack–and the man–she left behind. Is Ren worth the price of her freedom? And will Shay stand by her side no matter what? Now in control of her own destiny, Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials true love can endure and still survive.


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